Monday, June 27, 2016

Re: world war 3: aracaju


Livre de vírus.

On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 12:48 PM, Taylor Lynne Steele <> wrote:
I totally stole this title from my companion because I am unoriginal but OH MY GOODNESS SÃO JOÃO WHAT.

So when everyone told me about São João they were like "there's a ton of fireworks and bonfires and its cool" but I have since discovered that this does not mean "basically 4th of july but with more corn" it means BLAZING CAMPFIRES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET and BOMBS LIKE ACTUAL BOMBS. Well, tiny bombs. That don't damage cement. But like. Literal bombs. What.

For 2 days there was absolutely no way to get any sleep at night because every 2 seconds someone else let off a bomb which was incredibly loud and disruptive and a little annoying once it reached 4am, and these freaking bombs let off HUGE flashes of light so our house kept lighting up and I was like "hey ganuza are you asleep" and she was like "obviously not I now understand that story Uchtdorf told last conference about the bombs I am living this this is war" and I was like "chill." But basically. That was an interesting experience. And this week it'll all happen again because São Pedro (Peter). Apparently the best way to honor the apostles is by blowing things up.

Lucas told us that the fires and bombs are to "wake up João" (John) and all the corn is just because, well, there's so much corn. I dont really understand why we need to wake up the apostles. I feel like they deserve a rest.

BUT. Other than that. Well, we have 2 more sisters here in Santos Dumont. This area isnt even big enough for one group so two is interesting! Our area boundries are now 5min x 25 min walking distance. And I'm just like "wow. I have already worked on every single street. wow." not gonna lie. I'm a little burnt out of Santos Dumont. But I'm gonna keep working hard until transfers july 12th at which point I'm almost positive I'll leave since I have been here sINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME. I know the streets better than the members. I no longer ask for help finding member's homes. They ask me. I'm not even kidding. I used to be so bad with directions but after 5.5 months here I am a pro.

AND JOSEPH. So. A few months back me and Sister Mazetto baptized Nycole, and about a month ago the seminary teacher was like "come talk to me RIGHT NOW" to me and Sister Ganuza, and we were a little confused until she just pointed at this kid and was like "baptize this boy right now" and we discovered that Nycole has a brother. I did not know that.

So Joseph was the perfect investigator. He started going to church with his sister because he'd been going to other churches looking for the right one and didnt feel right about any of them, so we were like "hey try this one, Joseph Smith was a thing, pray about it" and we gave him a book of mormon. This first day he was like "well, I dont like to read so I'm not making any promises. And your church wants all boys to serve a mission and I dont wanna do that so...." but when we came back 5 days later he was already in 2nd Nephi! He started reading a little every day first thing in the morning, because he prayed and said he got an answer so of course he was going to follow it!

And as we kept teaching him he just kept getting more perfect. Like. What 17 year old boy gets excited to keep the word of wisdom and the law of chastity? No one. Literally no one. But Joseph did. And he wanted to start paying tithing ASAP and we had to be like "calm down, not until after your baptism".

So Saturday was his baptism :) He had to be baptized 3 times which was hilarious because Wendell the poor kid that was baptizing him kept messing it up. so when he finally came out of the water he was just like "well I think I'm clean now!" And then he said "I got baptized! My next goal is to go on a mission." The kid changed his mind on that so quickly once he got his answer it was AMAZING.

BUT HIS INTERVIEW. Oh my gosh. So before the interview, we usually do a moch interview to go over the questions and make sure they're prepared. And one of the questions asks about serious crimes or sins-not that you cant get baptized if you've done bad stuff, just that someone else with more experience will help you fix what you did. And so we asked if he'd ever committed a serious crime and he just looks at us completely serious, like without blinking and says yes.

So we get really confused and a little scared but we hold our cool in case its real and we're just like "oh really?"

and then thank goodness his sister was there to help because she says "its not a serious crime like you call a serious crime..." and we're just like "so you mean it wasnt a crime" and she told us what it was and we were just like "child that was barely even a sin shhhhh you're good" and it all went well, but man for a second there I was really confused.

But yeah. That was my week!. 

ps. This week a competely normal news station informed Sister Ganuza and I that the US is really going down hill because Obama is interviewing UFO pilots and Hilary adopted a martian baby. Someone should really tell me whats going on in US politics because from the little information I'm hearing on the radio in taxis or from people in the ward, things are getting weirder than I thought.

world war 3: aracaju

I totally stole this title from my companion because I am unoriginal but OH MY GOODNESS SÃO JOÃO WHAT.

So when everyone told me about São João they were like "there's a ton of fireworks and bonfires and its cool" but I have since discovered that this does not mean "basically 4th of july but with more corn" it means BLAZING CAMPFIRES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET and BOMBS LIKE ACTUAL BOMBS. Well, tiny bombs. That don't damage cement. But like. Literal bombs. What.

For 2 days there was absolutely no way to get any sleep at night because every 2 seconds someone else let off a bomb which was incredibly loud and disruptive and a little annoying once it reached 4am, and these freaking bombs let off HUGE flashes of light so our house kept lighting up and I was like "hey ganuza are you asleep" and she was like "obviously not I now understand that story Uchtdorf told last conference about the bombs I am living this this is war" and I was like "chill." But basically. That was an interesting experience. And this week it'll all happen again because São Pedro (Peter). Apparently the best way to honor the apostles is by blowing things up.

Lucas told us that the fires and bombs are to "wake up João" (John) and all the corn is just because, well, there's so much corn. I dont really understand why we need to wake up the apostles. I feel like they deserve a rest.

BUT. Other than that. Well, we have 2 more sisters here in Santos Dumont. This area isnt even big enough for one group so two is interesting! Our area boundries are now 5min x 25 min walking distance. And I'm just like "wow. I have already worked on every single street. wow." not gonna lie. I'm a little burnt out of Santos Dumont. But I'm gonna keep working hard until transfers july 12th at which point I'm almost positive I'll leave since I have been here sINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME. I know the streets better than the members. I no longer ask for help finding member's homes. They ask me. I'm not even kidding. I used to be so bad with directions but after 5.5 months here I am a pro.

AND JOSEPH. So. A few months back me and Sister Mazetto baptized Nycole, and about a month ago the seminary teacher was like "come talk to me RIGHT NOW" to me and Sister Ganuza, and we were a little confused until she just pointed at this kid and was like "baptize this boy right now" and we discovered that Nycole has a brother. I did not know that.

So Joseph was the perfect investigator. He started going to church with his sister because he'd been going to other churches looking for the right one and didnt feel right about any of them, so we were like "hey try this one, Joseph Smith was a thing, pray about it" and we gave him a book of mormon. This first day he was like "well, I dont like to read so I'm not making any promises. And your church wants all boys to serve a mission and I dont wanna do that so...." but when we came back 5 days later he was already in 2nd Nephi! He started reading a little every day first thing in the morning, because he prayed and said he got an answer so of course he was going to follow it!

And as we kept teaching him he just kept getting more perfect. Like. What 17 year old boy gets excited to keep the word of wisdom and the law of chastity? No one. Literally no one. But Joseph did. And he wanted to start paying tithing ASAP and we had to be like "calm down, not until after your baptism".

So Saturday was his baptism :) He had to be baptized 3 times which was hilarious because Wendell the poor kid that was baptizing him kept messing it up. so when he finally came out of the water he was just like "well I think I'm clean now!" And then he said "I got baptized! My next goal is to go on a mission." The kid changed his mind on that so quickly once he got his answer it was AMAZING.

BUT HIS INTERVIEW. Oh my gosh. So before the interview, we usually do a moch interview to go over the questions and make sure they're prepared. And one of the questions asks about serious crimes or sins-not that you cant get baptized if you've done bad stuff, just that someone else with more experience will help you fix what you did. And so we asked if he'd ever committed a serious crime and he just looks at us completely serious, like without blinking and says yes.

So we get really confused and a little scared but we hold our cool in case its real and we're just like "oh really?"

and then thank goodness his sister was there to help because she says "its not a serious crime like you call a serious crime..." and we're just like "so you mean it wasnt a crime" and she told us what it was and we were just like "child that was barely even a sin shhhhh you're good" and it all went well, but man for a second there I was really confused.

But yeah. That was my week!. 

ps. This week a competely normal news station informed Sister Ganuza and I that the US is really going down hill because Obama is interviewing UFO pilots and Hilary adopted a martian baby. Someone should really tell me whats going on in US politics because from the little information I'm hearing on the radio in taxis or from people in the ward, things are getting weirder than I thought.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Festa Junina!!

This week's highlight is definitely the brazillian equivalent of the harvest festival. or like, midsummer festival? wait but its winter here...i dont know. Festa Junina! 

Literaly EVERYTHING was made of corn. EVERYTHING. I sent my mother photos of things but now I cant find them on this maybe she'll post something who knows.

But yeah it was fun! There was lots of square dancing and corn so me, the midwestern child that I am, felt right at home. I didnt realize how like, corny, the midwest is until my companion was just like "this is weird, at home I never ate corn ever it doesnt exist in California" and I was just like !!!!! "but corn bread. and corn on the cob." I asked her what veggies her school lunch always included and she was like "carrots" and I got so confused. all through elementry school it was literally always corn!

But also. Sweet corn. like i mean desserts made out of corn. corn and coconut and cinnamon. That doesnt sound like it should exist.

basically thats been my week

I thought fireworks were something like, fundamentally american cuz boy do we like explosives. and then i came here. wow. EVERYONE HAS FIREWORKS ALL THE TIME. But president said it might be a little less soon because they got stricter on the rules. from now on no one under the age of 5 can buy explosives. HA. There are some parts that we're avoiding a little these days because there are random fires in the middle of the street...strange.

Basically. thats brazil right now.

Next week I'll tell you about Joseph! He's getting baptised (probably) this saturday!!

Monday, June 13, 2016

the diarrhea highlight

This week, very randomly, I developed an incredibly strong craving for a few things:
  1. Buid a Bear
  2. skittles, jolly ranchers, airheads, star bursts...all the candy that doesnt exist here
  3. minecraft
literally i didnt even play minecraft much. I'm not really sure what was happening this week. but seriously. I just. Want to play minecraft. So much. What is wrong with me??

but yeah. so.

the best thing that happened this week was diarrhea. that was the highlight of our week.

monday started out well because we managed FOUR LESSONS from 6-9 which is like completely impossible and unheard of, like usually we're lucky if its 2, and we found 2 super likely candidates for baptism this month.

but then tuesday happened.

I was working a little in Piabeta on tuesday, and my day there was like
  • get lost
  • get super sunburned
  • get more lost
  • teach a lady about how cheating on your husband is not of god
    • said lady was just like "i dont believe men are capable of that"
    • and we were like "ummm yes actually they are"
    • and then she proceeded to say lots of very strange and gross things
    • and we were just like please stop
  • get more lost again
  • go home
  • it was great
but sister ganuza was here in santos dumont. and her day went a little like this:
  • a lesson with a once super excited and cute daughter of an inactive member went horribly and no one in the family wanted to talk to her
  • the other super cute daughter of an inactive member was like "hey my mom said your not alo
  • wed to come back and im not allowed to ever go to church ever..."
  • another child of a less active member was like "hey maybe ill go to church" and then his mom was just like "but these missionaries suck they dont visit me" and she was like "well....youre never home when we mark with you...and you dont want to go back to" and it all went very strangely and awkward
  • a once less active member who is coming back to church now was like "hey im sorry i didnt go to church. i had horrible diarrhea"
    • and sister ganuza was like "wow. why"
    • and his sister in law was like "literally why did you say that you could have just said you were sick"
    • and then he was just like "no you dont bad it was really bad."
    • and everyone was just like "wow stop talking"
    • and this was like, the highlight of our week
the other days were just filled of parents saying that their kids are grounded so they cant go to church and were like "how is that going to help anything?" and others saying "wow my kid is horrible he didnt go this week" and we were like "yeah but hes reading his scriptures and going to havent gone to church in your whole like i dont think you can judge your child for not going once" and them just being like "no. hes the worst sinner. ever. he wont go to heaven"

so yeah

pray for us.

BUT its ok because we talked to this one mom who her 8 year old son is a member but she isnt and she said "hey, this church is really important to my son so i want to learn more, since he likes it so much it has to be good. also we pray together every night because he said that is good. also we read the book of mormon together every night. Wow. I love my son." and our faith in humanity was restored because YES THAT IS HOW YOU SHOULD REACT TO SOMETHING THATS SO IMPORTANT TO YOUR CHILDREN

So that was cool.

And basically we need new investigators. And we need to like envoke celestial help with all of these parents.

and diarrhea is hilarious.

Livre de vírus.

Monday, June 6, 2016

THIS WEEK PEOPLE SENT ME EMAILS so i ran out of time because i got distracted

SO. what happened this week?


well. we had 5 children come to church this week. FIVE. and 3 of them want to be baptized. but cant. because theyre children. SO we need to convert literally all of their parents asap.


send me things

i got a letter this week and i nearly cried.

Sister Taylor Steele
Brazil Maceio Mission
Av. Dom Antonio Brandao, 333 Sala 402
Ed. Work Center Farol
57051-190 Maceio-AL

SEND ME LETTERS. i tell my best stories in letters because i have more time (and no one can get scared because its clear that im still alive ;) )

and yeah

thats it today

because im already out of time and still have a bunch of stuff to do